Monday, April 30, 2007

My two most recent favourites.
Recently, I have seen a couple of movies which made me feel like a better person for having watched them.
The first was the Tenacious D movie The Pick of Destiny. There was a period of a couple years or so where I just couldn't stand Jack Black, mostly because the singer in my last band spoke, acted, and sang like him. But I felt the time was right, and it was. This glorious epic changed my life forever. Tenacious D is the only band who can play an epic song in under 2 minutes.
The other movie I haven't been able to stop thinking about (not that I want to), is Metal: A Headbanger's Journey. This documentary is so in-depth and so passionate about it's subject matter that even if I didn't like heavy metal, I think I would still have appreciated it. It was a historical overview of heavy metal and it's many subgenres, but mostly it questioned why we metalheads are always stereotyped as being deranged mongoloids. It includes interviews with the likes of Tony Iommi, Ronnie James Dio, and Alice Cooper. To someone like me, this film is sacred.
I am a cheap, dirty whore.
Lately I've been trying out a whole bunch of different Linux-based operating systems on my PC. Well, not a whole bunch, more like just a few. First Ubuntu 6.10, then Ubuntu 6.06, then Knoppix, then Fedora Core, then Ubuntu 6.06, then Ubuntu 6.10. I figure since it's free, I may as well play around with it.
I had problems with it from the beginning, though. First I didn't realize that I should defrag my hard disks in Microsoft Windows before partitioning them, so I had trouble running linux but windows still worked fine. Then, I got rid of Windows altogether, and reinstalled linux. Then, I had trouble installing the programs I need, because My computer doesn't have Internet access, and it turns out that you need Internet access to install certain programs on linux, since it needs to automatically download additonal files. Also, I am unable to reinstall windows onto my machine.
Right now I'm downloading a different OS (Musix) which is geared towards audio recording. I have a lucky penny in my pocket, but please cross your fingers for me anyway.